Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Aubrey's Helmet Casting

Aubrey had the casting done for her helmet today. It was sad. First they had to put some nylons over her head. On top of that they had to wrap the sticky stuff. I don't know what it's called. He had to mold it to her head for about 2 minutes while it hardened and then he cut it off. It was a quick process but she definately didn't love it. At the end Brynley said: "Mom, Aubrey was not good." I said, "Yes she was, she just got a little sad." These pictures are funny because you can see her getting progressively more sad.

She has the fitting next Friday assuming it has come in from the lab by then. I'll post good pictures of her head before she starts wearing the helmet.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Ahhh, good luck to Aubrey!