We absolutely loved Key West! The architecture of the buildings was so cool and caribbean-ish. We got off the boat and walked around the shops and stuff and looked in an old pirate museum. Then we walked to a beach called Fort Zachery Taylor. The walk was so pretty! You walk through a place called Truman Annex which is where President Truman and a lot of other Presidents had what they call a "little white house" where they spent part of the year. Here is a picture of the streets and the houses:
The beach was great. The water was warm, the sand was kind of rocky but where it wasn't rocky it was really soft. There were rocks to jump off or swim around. It was just a really fun beach.
After the beach we went to the Blonde Giraffe and got some frozen chocolate covered key lime pie on a stick. Oh my gosh! Get this if you ever go there! It was so yummy and refreshing and chocolaty all in one. Amazing!
Then we got back on the boat for lunch, naps and a short workout (we counted the walk) and some hot tubbing.
After dinner that night we went to karaoke. I don't know if you can tell from the back ground in the picture but we were the only white people there!
We went to the show tonight. It was a comedian and a juggler. It was pretty fun.
Then we went to bed!
ok linds...you have a TOTAL six pack in that one picture on the beach!!!!
hot mamma! did you sing at karaoke? I'm sure it was pretty entertaining if you were the only white people!
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