Saturday, February 23, 2008

Not much going on...

Well, we don't have much going on around here lately. That's why you haven't heard from me much. Brynley did use the potty for the very first time. She said she wanted to watch Dora and I said no Dora until she pees in the potty. So, we sat. And we sat and sat and sat for 45 minutes until she went. She hasn't since and still has no desire. I think it scared her more than anything. When she started actually going she got this freaked out look on her face but then after she realized Caleb and I were cheering for her she got excited. But she still has NO desire to get back on that sucker.

I've got a funny Wal Mart story for you. We were in line at Wal Mart and this total cowboy in a wheelchair gets into line behind us. I'm talking full on tight jeans, boots, cowboy hat, big belt buckle, the works. Caleb says, a little too loudly, "Mom, there's a farmer behind us!" To top it all off Brynley starts chanting in a sing-song like way, "Farmer, Farmer, Farmer." Ugh, talk about embarassing!

See, we really are boring if that's all I have to post in the last week. Sorry. Here are a couple of pictures of the kids in the snow and me with my newly lightened hair.


Melissa said...

I love the Dora PJs under the coat and gloves! Your hair looks cute!

courtneyb said...

I love your ADD with your hair. And the new color is very cute!

megan said...

AWE! Your hair looks SO CUTE! I miss getting mine done in Utah. It costs an arm and a leg in Cali. I can't believe how big Brynley is getting! So darling! Miss you guys...

Marisa said...

Check out all of that snow--it's too crazy! I like the newly lightened hair. So you survived Brandon being gone forever?

nicole said...

I love the farmer story. Your kids will enjoy reading that when they're a little older.

Jason said...

Dude, 10 years is right. Looks like your family is growing and doing well. Is the class of '98 having a ten year reunion or what? Maybe the Mormons should through their own reunion for '98 and '99 folks. Anyway, glad to be found, I noticed you have Kent's blog, too. I'll have to see who else is out there. Later.

- Jason Riley