Monday, August 20, 2007

Si, yo hablo espanol.

The grass in our little front yard area is totally dead. (An HOA takes care of it for those of you who don't know.) We think it has to do with the fact that they are mowing it very short. So, today I caught the guy while he was mowing. Caleb and I went up to him and I said, "Can you cut it a little longer than usual. It doesn't seem to be doing so well." He stared at me blankly. (He was mexican.) Great, I thought. I crouched down and said, "Grass (pointing) too short. Dying. Longer?" Still blank. Ok, here comes what I have left of high school spanish... (don't laugh) "(pointing at grass)pequeno. Deseo mas grande. (pointing across the street) ahi muy bueno. (pointing to my grass) Aqui no es bueno." He smiles and nods and stops cutting the lawn. "Gracias" I say. I turn and start walking to the garage. I turn and see Caleb staring at me wide-eyed in amazement as he says, "I didn't know you talked Spanish!"


Danny said...

This is Bueno. Well played.

courtneyb said...

how funny! kind of a feling of accomplishment?

Brandon said...

Donde esta la playa?

Katrina said...

I can totally see it in my mind!

Kelly said...

ha ha ha ha ha... oh my gosh im laughing so hard right now!! hahahhahaha

Saun and Wes said...

That is the funniest story. You are supermom!