Saturday, August 16, 2008

Hospital Visit

I just got back from the hospital. I so did not want to go. But the dr was pretty serious that I go in when I have 6+ contractions in an hour. I've been having them all afternoon but when i had about 8 in an hour I went in. They hooked me up to the moniters and I kept having them. They checked my *ahem* (cervix) and I am 60% effaced and 1 1/2 cm dilated. That's pretty normal for me at this point. That's what I was at 34 weeks with my others, I think. They gave me the awful trebutaline shots that make me so crazy. They make me all shaky and light headed and just awful feeling. After three doses of that the contractions pretty much stopped so they sent me home. Basically, it was best case scenerio. No bed rest orders, no meds to take at home. My urinalysis was negative and my ffn test was negative (this says that I won't deliver in the next two weeks). So, all is good... a few hundred bucks later.


Ashli said...

Hey I just thought I would check your part of the neighborhood and I am sorry about your little visit. I'm glad that it turned out okay. Good luck in the next few weeks.

Saun and Wes said...

Holy cow! Call me asap in the morning! I am so sorry! I hate shots! Do you see how many exclamations I am using! By the way, my phone got wet Friday night and isn't working. So, sorry if you tried to call. I will call you tomorrow!!!!!!!!! Ok, that was a little much. Bye.

Melinda B. said...

Maybe it was all that laughing at Brian Regan that sent your tummy into contractions! Glad things are ok now. Crazy they can tell you won't go into labor in the next two weeks. Technology is amazing.

scooping it up said...

Linds, I hate terbutaline and ffn tests, I totally understand. keep that little one in for two or three more weeks and you'll be great! Glad youre ok.