Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Brynley stands up for herself.

Brynley does not take any crap from anyone. She listens to what people around her say and if they are talking about her she stands up for herself! We were in the car the other day and Brandon and I were talking (softly) about how she likes to try to steal the attention away from Caleb sometimes. We had just left his back to school night and that is exactly what she had been doing. Apparantly she overheard us because she starts yelling, "NO I DON'T! I DO NOT! NO I DON'T!"

Another time Caleb was playing with his new pirate ship we got him for his birthday and she was playing with him. Caleb says, "Mom, Brynley's playing too crazy with it!" and Brynley starts yelling, "I'M NOT CRAZY! I'M NOT CRAZY!"

I only hope she keeps this quality into her teen years.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

hahahahahaha... oh my GOSH!! tHat is SOO funny!! hahaha... i cant stop laughing