Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Life is crazy! Good crazy!

Sorry for the lack of postings! Things are totally crazy around here so I'll just fill you in really quick. Last week we decided to bite the bullet and finish the last two bedrooms in our basement, making it completely finished with the exception of a storage room. We got two bids, chose one, he started a last wednesday and he will be done on Friday! Things of been a whirlwind around here! The two rooms we are finishing were filled with storage so all of that stuff is in our family room downstairs. We are also adding a closet to the toy room so we had to empty that room so they can restretch the carpet. So, all of that stuff is also in our family room. We are also adding some shelving to Brynley's closet so we had to empty that mess into her room. Aubrey's room is pretty much the only clean room in the house so we go there for refuge from the mess. But it is a good exciting mess with lots of promise. We are excited. Pictures to come soon.

I am getting ready for Kelly's baby shower! Yay, so exciting! I've never planned a baby shower and I might never again until Brynley and Aubrey are having babies so it has been lots of fun!

I am training for the Little Red Riding Hood bike race on June 5. It is up in Logan and a bunch of girls are going up and staying the night and riding together. There is an 18 mile, 35 mile, 57 mile, 80 mile and 100 mile ride. We are doing the 57 mile. Saun and I are up to 33 miles in our training and it is going great!

My business is booming and I am loving it! I had no idea it would take off like this! I am so thankful I get to do what I love while still staying at home!

On top of this Brandon was out of town two weeks ago, this week and next. Can I be a single mom on top of all that other stuff? We shall see.


Kelly said...

hahaha, I can only imagine the mess around your house. haha. Funny. Yeah for my baby shower too! I cant wait. Im sorry to hear that Brando is gone. It sucks so bad being alone.

scooping it up said...

So exciting!! Make sure to show pics when it's all done!

marym said...

At least Brandon and his Dad are having some bonding time together in CA.