She is 23 lbs 12 oz (50th %), 33 inches tall (92nd %), and her head is in the 17th percentile. Pretty typical stats for my kids at that age, tall, medium weight, little heads. Thanks to their dad. :-)
Aubrey is hilarious. Seriously. We all just die laughing at her every day. One of the funniest things she does is she repeats the last word of anything we are saying. I'll say to Brynley "Don't get that. It's too heavy." She'll walk around chanting "heavy, heavy, heavy." The best is when she roams the house saying "money, money, money." So cute.
She says a ton of words. I can't think of all of them but here are a sampling:
fish (sshhhh)
cheese (ssssss)
cheerios (cheyo)
banana (amana)
drink (gink)
doggie (goggy)
night night
She is such a good baby. She actually asks to go to bed. She'll come up to me and say "nigh nigh" if she's tired and it's not quite bedtime or naptime yet. She loves to give hugs. She'll just walk up to you out of the blue and hug you. It will make anyone melt. It is so unbelievable sweet. She loves music and likes to dance to it. She loves her daddy and grandpa. She always is asking for daddy. The other day out of the blue she said, "Baba (grandpa)? Baba? Peeeaaase? Baba, peeaaase?" So we called grandpa and she was so happy. She also loves her brother and sister. When Brynley is gone she walks around the house saying, "Mimi? Mimi? (brynley)" She calls Caleb "Becab". I'm sure she likes me too but she is just more vocal in her affection for her dad and siblings, I guess. I'm ok with it.
She is such a wonderful, perfect little baby and we all just can't get enough of her! We love you Aubs!
She's so cute! We're going to love having her in nursery. :) She sounds a lot like Ella...with the random hugs and dancing. On Sunday you said that it seemed like Ella was bigger than Aubrey...Ella is 23 1/2 pounds and 33 1/2 looks like they're pretty close!
oh gosh, please bless that I always remember her naked moments that happened while I was in Utah. SHE IS SO FUNNY!!! hahahah.
Oh I LOVE that toddler talk that little ones do! :) You'll be so happy that you wrote it down in a few years and you've long forgotten what she said! What a cutie pie!
seriously?!? All 4 of my girls have that same dress! We are so linked as a family!
You forgot "teach-eh-ths"
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