Tuesday, April 5, 2011

RAD Kids and Trip to the farm

Today was a busy day for Caleb at school. First we visited Harward Farms for his field trip. Aubrey and I came along and it was a lot of fun.

Then tonight he had RAD kids graduation. RAD kids is a nationwide program that teaches kids safety and self defense. It was pretty cool, actually. It taught them what to do if an adult came up a said "Hey, little boy, your mom told me to come pick you up from school today." They yell "NO!" and sucker punch them and run away as fast as they can. Ok maybe not really. But something along those lines. They learned different punches and kicks and stuff like that. They each had to get away from a bad guy tonight too. Bad guy = cop dressed up tons of padding so he looks kind of like Darth Vader.


scooping it up said...

Wow, this totally threw me off. The folks who thought up RAD should have been aware that this is a diagnosis for kids with serious issues being able to form relationships with people due to trauma and abuse. It stands for Reactive Attachment Disorder.

I am really glad your kids aren't rad.

scooping it up said...

The pics are darling. ;)

Nick and Maddy Winward said...

Look like you have been busy! Fun! Love your family header picture!