It started with a dinner with friends on Friday night. We had a lot of fun and ate a lot of greasy food at Ruby River with the Nyes and Browns. Thanks for helping me celebrate my birthday you guys!
Saturday was the trunk or treat. I HATE trunk or treats but I'll leave that discussion for another day. Half way through the trunk or treating it started hailing like crazy. I'm talking immediate hurricane like storm. It was nuts. Everyone jumped in their cars and headed home. We were going to go REAL trick or treating later but Caleb said, "I guess we can't go trick or treating..." and I jumped on that opportunity and said, "Yeah, I guess not." So we watched Karate Kid instead.
Caleb was Darth Vader at school and Mario on Halloween. Brynley was Thumbelina and Aubrey was a ballerina.
Sunday we had a birthday dinner at my parents house and on Monday Brandon and I spent a couple hours running errands together at lunch time. It was a great weekend spent celebrating my birthday and halloween! Aubrey made me feel especially special because she kept saying to me, "Happy bowday, mommy!" She would follow that up with a kiss on my arm. She's so sweet.
Thank you all for the birthday facebook greetings and text messages! I felt so loved all day!