Saturday, March 21, 2009

Fit Eats

I want you guys to all check out my new website called Fit Eats. It is a blog devoted to "fitness food". In my mind, fitness food means creative and yummy protein shakes, low carb or low sugar concoctions along with healthy everyday meals. I will be featuring a different recipe every day of the week with workout tips on the weekends. I am not doing this because I think I am a good cook. I'll be first to tell you I'm not a "good cook". I do think I am a creative cook though especially when it comes to fitness type food which usually includes one or all of the following, oats, peanut butter, protein powder, peanut butter, cocoa, peanut butter... did I mention peanut butter? I will also be personalizing it with info about what I'm up to and lots of pictures! I hope you'll all come check it out and put it on your google readers and check back often. Could you also do me a favor? If you like it will you tell all your friends about it? Or put a link to it on your blog? The ultimate goal is for this to get big so that I can do giveaways and fun things like that! And one more favor, if you do check it, would you leave comments? I need to know that people are reading it so that I am motivated to keep it going.

This is still in the works so the entire site is not completely up yet. But, I've already put some great recipes up that I don't want anyone to miss out on! Let me know if there's anything you'd like to see or if you have any other ideas for me!


Kelly said...

holler, you bet ill check it!!

scooping it up said...

Linds, have someone creative you know make a "button" for it so we can have a cute graphic to put on our blogs. i know i have like a billion people who read my blog and you will definitely get some hits. i am health nut and will love it!