Thursday, May 8, 2008

Good times and bad times on the trampoline

Tonight on the trampoline we had much happiness:

and much sadness:

Brynley, who's always been terrified of everything including the trampoline and all slides, loved being bounced high by Caleb and Daddy on the tramp tonight. She has also started going on slides recently. Yes, at 2 1/2 years old. We are so excited that she's being a little braver about these scary things.

As for Caleb, I don't remember exactly what he was crying for. But, he sure does look sad, doesn't he?


Em and Ms said...

Love Brynley's static hair and cute dress. And Caleb? He looks cute even when he's crying.

scooping it up said...

Jane get's static hair like that on the "tramp" as she calls it. Brynley is sure gorgeous!

Saun and Wes said...

How cute! Brynley has the cutest smile. I am glad she is getting braver.